WA: Man plans to publish names of level 1 sex offenders

Sex offender vigilante Curtis Hart has caused a furor among level 1 sex offenders by planning to publish many of their 570 names on the internet.

Hart has requested that the sheriff’s office give him the names of all level 1 sex offenders in Cowlitz County, and under terms of a state Supreme Court ruling the agency must comply.

The names, along with photos, addresses, and brief descriptions of the offenses could be released in less than two weeks. Full Article

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Man, what an idiot.

If this idiot does publish, I hope every single person he names sues him. No matter how hopeless such a suit might be, tie him up in litigation for as long as possible. And not as class actions – hundreds of individual suits.

Eventually one of these tough guys is going to mysteriously disappear or be killed. Even when laws try to help people, these lunatics find ways around it in order to harass.

Didn’t something like this happen before and it backlash against him?

He was crying no job because someone posted bad thing about him?

If you want to contact him
his facebook account
twitter account


main website

his hunting ground

possibliy phone number

360 442 1878

He’ll be running for office soon.

It only seems right that his address be published as well.

“It’s like (Hart) doesn’t trust our government and systems to do their jobs. It’s like he’s got to step up and do it for them.”
He got it. It is no coincidence that the sex offender registry came into existence after all the rhetoric about “government being the problem not the solution” in the 1980’s. The whole idea behind the registry is that we can’t trust the system to protect us anymore. “They must give us the names of the offenders, so we can protect ourselves.”

What a misguided psycho. Promoting VIOLENCE against people? This waste of space should be locked up! We have a legal system in place and this moron thinks that people with the lowest recidivism rate should be subject to violence to them and their families and children. DISGUSTING. Please leave a message on the article and let your thoughts be heard!

Intriguing article. Guys like this typically have issues of their own and he is attempting to focus on others. I’ll bet 10000000/1 the guy has some sexual hangups and uses his energy to focus on others! Otherwise, he would utilize his time doing something otherwise. I bet! He clearly needs counseling. His hate is a result of something! I guess people who murder, commit drive by shootings, drug dealers and prostitutes (people who destroy lives) are okay with him! I read these articles regularly. If he was concerned, he could be looking at ways to assist to help people change their ways! Yet, he seems to think people can’t change? How does he know? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Laura Ahearn has already done this. Do you have any idea how much more vindictive she Is than this jerk? How much she got her local government to “cooperate?” But it didn’t end up the way she wanted it to, and neither will this jerk’s ideas. Truth be told we all of course, have to stand up for ourselves and as a group, if we want our constitutional protections restored.

He’s just another politician and with apparent delusions of grandeur, thinks he can be Sheriff.

“Sheriff Mark Nelson and County Commissioner Joe Gardner each have one candidate running against them, according to PDC filings. Libertarian Curtis Hart of Lexington has filed to challenge Nelson, the long-time incumbent.”


Justice officials want Curtis Hart to stop taking justice into his own hands


Publicity hound.

All I read was something like, my name is Curtis Hart and I’m an idiot that is looking to put not only a bunch of innocent lives in danger but my own as well. I don’t know, that’s what I read 🤣

I’m glad I noticed this today. I will keep an eye out on this story as I’m living in the county just south of Cowlitz. If he intends to list other level 1 registrants from other counties, you can bet I will be down at the courthouse.

I couldn’t directly access the full article above but found the full text of it here.

ACSOL – thank you for removing the recent comments from that terrorist. There is no need to cater to little weaklings like that. They can try to boost their self-esteem somewhere else, with other losers.

In fact, I think that most of those terrorist are just like the school shooters – they aren’t winning in life and they’ve got no self-esteem. They see themselves as losers and they are trying to be relevant in the world. So they try to hurt people to make someone, anyone, pay attention to them for just 15 minutes at least. They think it will fill the void of nothingness that is their lives. So perhaps if people must talk about terrorists then their names should be redacted? Or proceeded with the word “terrorist”, “loser”, “underachiever”, or ??? I don’t know, just blabbering. I’m sure smarter people than I have written entire books about how to deal with evil terrorists. Perhaps I should read them!

Anyway, thanks for improving the quality of this site and keeping scum away.

Could I get a link to the full story that does not require me to subscribe?